Friday, November 18, 2011

Catch Me if You Can

Brace. Check.
Wheelchair. Check.
Game face. Check.
Look likes everything is set.
Open the gates,
gather all media you can get
I've done this all my life,
I can always pretend,
Ive done that in '04
I can always defend
myself through the lawyers
I can rent and pay
there is nothing you can do
I can always get away
before I get convicted
for the things that I've done
Farewell Philippines,
I'll be long gone.

When I entered into politics,
I have killed since
my litte Jiminy,
who rants about my sins.
Without that little prick
I never had to bother
nor think about the country
nor the rights of others.

What's more,
I'm lucky for sure
my nose does not lengthen
when I tell a lie or four.
All I'm now missing
is a low rider for the show
'cause I own
the "Lie, Cheat, Steal" phrase
not Eddie Guerrero.

No one can stop us,
not even two nor three,
not even four,
and not Lima definitely.
I have the SC behind me,
with all my midnight appointees
But wait,
who the hell is this Pasay RTC!

No warrant can defy my
plans of wanting to fly
Singapore, Hong Kong,
Turkey and back,
'Yes we can!'
Ramona and I
will say it with Barack.

I'll pull a Leonardo on all of you,
you'll be wondering where I went,
I leave you a note saying
I have gone, and I'll repent
This time I really will,
This is really real, 
I'll put my life on the line,
For when I die,
I'd lie still.

But sick or well,
I won't care about hell
I'd will not comeback for you all
All we have to lose,
is Atty. Topacio's balls after all.

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